Container Conversions

Container Conversions Module

Our Container Conversions module keeps track of all aspects of your bespoke conversion jobs.

The complete lifecycle of a container conversion job can be handled with ease in our Container Conversions module - right from initial design, through estimation, approval, build through to quality control and invoicing.

Flexible estimates

Build estimates with as much detail as you need. Pick from a stock of containers, or add new ones. Add multiple containers to an estimate and group tasks by container, or any other way you need.

Completed estimates are automatically emailed to your customers, ready for approval. Easily create new revisions of an estimate based on customer requirements.

Parts management

Pick from a stock inventory of parts or add bespoke parts to a design.

Using standard parts maintains stock levels automatically. Adding bespoke parts helps you manage the process of ordering and receiving parts for specfic jobs.

Intelligent workflow

Workflow is carefully controlled to help ensure conversions are completed on time. Jobs need customer approval plus all components and parts in place before a build can begin.

Easily generate estimates and a Bill of Materials for each job.

Assign specific staff to each phase of a build and set a date range to schedule the work.

Quality Control completes the workflow, enabling jobs to be invoiced.